中文翻译与英英解释 | 现款。
| | | cold: adj. 1.冷,寒,冻;冰凉的。 2.冷静的,冷淡的, ... | | cash: n. 〔sing., pl. 〕(印度和中国旧时的)铜钱 ... | |
| money in the form of cash that is readily available; "his wife was always a good source of ready cash"; "he paid cold cash for the TV set" 同义词:ready cash, ready money,
例句与用法 | 1. | And walk away with $ 50 , 000 in stone - cold cash 胜利者将获得五万美元的大额奖金
| | 2. | And walk away with $ 50 , 000 in stone - cold cash 胜利者将获得五万美元的大额奖金
| | 3. | And walk away with 50 , 000 in stone - cold cash 胜利者将获得五万美元的大额奖金
| | 4. | The man paid me $ 500 in cold cash 那男的付给我500美元的现金。
| | 5. | Wife : " alright i guess you have nothing to lose by trying . and wouldn ' t it be great if they really did pay out in hard cold cash ? 妻子: "好吧,我猜你没有什么可失去的尝试.它并不会太大,如果真的付出在硬冷的现金?
| | 6. | These aren ' t the mercenaries who parachute into hot spots , guns blazing , for cold cash . but they ' re controversial nonetheless 这些公司不是那种外国雇佣军,为了冰冷的金钱而空降到热点地区,枪口喷射着火焰。但是,他们仍然引起了人们的争议。